Childminding in Ireland Survey Results 2024

Childminding Ireland carries out an annual survey in order to fully understand childminding and the sector childminders operate in. The results of the latest survey (Dec ’23-Feb ’24) demonstrate that a remarkable number of respondents took the time to include detailed comments and to answer open-ended questions.   The majority of childminders surveyed live in rural /village areas and were aged between 45-54 years.

We see from the responses to questions the consistent theme that childminders find bureaucracy frustrating and tiresome.   The majority of respondents do not see any benefit to the rules and regulations that, in their words, are being imposed on them.

The survey shows an increase in the number of childminders who are concerned about registering with TUSLA and the incoming changes and the regulations that may be introduced.  There is a sense of insecurity over what the future will bring to this sector, with one of the most common words used being “uncertainty” – uncertainty about what is going to be implemented, what it means for childminders and a fear of the future.  This sense of uncertainty is often manifesting itself in frustration and indeed anger.

From the numerous comments, it is clear that childminders very much want to be a part of the consultation process, as well as having Childminding Ireland negotiating on their behalf.  There appears to be a feeling of alienation from the process.  This may stem from a perceived lack of information being shared with them.  Childminders want to be given more information about the proposed changes. Comments continually stressed the importance of information being not only disseminated, but disseminated in a way that is clear, concise and explains clearly what effects it will have on their sector.

The issues of cost, low pay, lack of support and feeling undervalued remain constant themes throughout this survey, as they did in previous surveys.  These issues appear to be making childminding an unattractive career choice for a lot of people.  It should be a major source of concern that there is a relatively low number of people who see themselves still being in the childminding sector in three years’ time.

The survey results are available in full for you to read.

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