Chairperson’s Letter Summer 2024

Dear Members,

We now await the outcome of the submissions on the Draft Regulations for Childminders. “An independent company has been contracted to analyse the findings of the consultation process and to prepare a report.” Minister O’ Gorman replying to a question from Deputy Willie O’ Dea TD on 9th of May.  On 13th June, Minister Roderic O’ Gorman secured Government approval for the publication of the Childcare (Amendment) Bill, link here , paving the way for further reforms within early learning and childcare. This Bill will remove the limitations that currently prevent childminders from registering with Tusla until they are minding a fourth child.

On behalf of all childminders, I want to thank you all for your engagement during the submission period.  Our members sent in submissions, attended information nights, contacted politicians and raised their concerns with election candidates. As you know, we have a very small staff in Childminding Ireland who work tirelessly for childminders. On your behalf, I want to thank the staff for their work during the submission period. The information nights hosted by Childminding Ireland were very well attended and afforded all childminders an opportunity to examine in detail the implications that these Draft Regulations pose for our sector. 

We will have to wait and see what will happen.

Your sincerely,

Mary Walsh 


Childminding Ireland.

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