There is lots of information available on what is involved in starting and running a business and becoming self employed. As a childminder you are running a business and earning an income therefore you must register with Revenue as a self employed person and make a tax return if you earn more than €5,000.
All childminders should keep records and receipts of income and expenditure involved in running a childminding business. The Childminding Ireland Members Pack includes an up to date Tax Calculator every year to help childminders record income and expenditure and to establish if tax is due but please note this is a guide only. We explain how the calculator works in our video. You can choose to make your tax returns yourself but if you require additional support or expert advise you can seek the services of a professional.
If you have not already done so, we recommend all childminders to setup Myaccount with Revenue. This is very easy to do and allows easy access to your Revenue records.

Childcare Services Relief – you may be eligible for this tax relief if you earn less than €15,000 in childminding fees (gross income), mind less than 3 children and meet some other criteria. This means that you won’t pay any tax. Find out if you can avail of this relief.
If your gross income is more than €15,000 in childminding fees you can offset your childminding business expenses against your income to arrive at your taxable income. If you have a specific question on this, email us at
Self employed childminders may access State Benefits including the State Pension, Illness & Maternity Benefits, provided earnings are more than €5000 and a Class S PRSI contribution is paid – 4% of your taxable income or €500 whichever is the greater.
You are exempt from the USC if your net income (gross fees less costs), is less than €13,000.
If you would like to talk through any questions you may have, get in touch with our Support Team on